8th Competition 2010

The 8th International Paderewski Piano Competition in Bydgoszcz

The 8th International Paderewski Piano Competition in Bydgoszcz took place on November 7th – 21st, 2010. The Competition is organized under the Honorary Patronage of The President Of The Republic Of Poland, Bronisław Komorowski.

The main organizer is The Paderewski Music Association in Bydgoszcz with co-participation of The F. Nowowiejski Music Academy and Paderewski Philharmonic in Bydgoszcz. Henryk Martenka became the Director of the Competition and the Artistic Director Prof. Piotr Paleczny.

Inaugural concert took place on November 7th, 2010 in the Pomeranian Philharmonic. We have heard an excellent piano duo Genova & Gimitrov.

The preliminary auditions to the International Paderewski Piano Competition took place in April – June 2010 in London, Moscow, New York, Los Angeles and Warsaw. Out of 89 young pianist who entered the competition The Jury qualified 46 candidates to the Competition from 13 countries, 37 of them have come. 21 pianists have performed in II stage. The winner of the 1st prize was Eduard Kunz from Russia. The Chairman of the Jury was Professor Piotr Paleczny, Poland. The auditions was open to the public and transmit on Internet.

The Concert of the Laureate was repeated in Warsaw Philharmonic on November 24th, 2010. The main guest was the First Lady Anna Komorowska.

The Competition has been financed by The Ministry of Culture & National Heritage, Bydgoszcz City Hall, The Marshal’s Office of the Kujavian and Pomeranian Province in Toruń and the private donors: Miejski Ośrodek Kultury, Yamaha Inc., Pomorski Operator Systemu Dystrybucyjnego, Oddział Dystrybucji Gazu w Bydgoszczy, Przedsiębiorstwo Rekultywacji i Rewaloryzacji Obszarów Zabytkowych Eko-Park, Miejskie Przedsiębiorstwo Wodociągów i Kanalizacji Sp. z o. o. w Bydgoszczy, Izba Gospodarcza Wodociągi Polskie, Affabre sp. z o.o., Budownictwo Komunikacyjne i Przemysłowe Gotowski, KPEC Bydgoszcz, Grupa Prefabret S.A., Hotel pod Orłem, Hotel Brda, GRAN, Cukiernie Adama Sowy, Zeto Bydgoszcz S.A., Ebud Przemysłówka Bydgoszcz Sp. z o.o., Per Aarslef, Chata Myśliwska, Ciech Transclean, Rosmedia, Solbet sp. z o.o., Agnat sp. z o.o., i inne. Konkurs odbył się pod patronatem medialnym TVP Kultura, TVP3 Bydgoszcz, Polskiego Radia PIK oraz Polskiego Radia Programu II.

Competition Partners

Competition Sponsors

Co-Financing of the Competition

The competition is co-financed by the Minister of Culture and National Heritage from the Fund for the Promotion of Culture – a state special purpose fund, as part of the „Music” program implemented by the National Institute of Music and Dance, and by the City of Bydgoszcz.
Partner of the International Paderewski Piano Competition  – Kujawsko-Pomorskie Region.