Zbigniew Raubo

Zbigniew Raubo


The laureate of the Ferruccio Busoni Competition in Bolzano (1991), the Franz Liszt Competition in Utrecht (1992) – so far the only Pole to have won this prestigious event – as well as the Karol Szymanowski Competition in Łódź (1987).

Zbigniew Raubo graduated with distinction from the Academy of Music in Cracow under the guidance of Professor Andrzej Jasiński and later became his university assistant.  Currently, he holds the Professor’s position at the Academy.

In June 2013 he was awarded the title of Professor of Musical Art by the President of the Republic of Poland. He is the Honorary Ambassador of the city of Kalisz.

The artists performed in all the philharmonic halls in Poland under the baton of the most renown Polish conductors including : Jerzy Maksymiuk, Antoni Wit, Agnieszka Duczmal, Jerzy Salwarowski, Mirosław J. Błaszczyk, Marek Pijarowski,Tomasz Bugaj, Jerzy Swoboda, Krzysztof Missona, Łukasz Borowicz, Marek Moś, Czesław Grabowski and Renard Czajkowski. His repertoire features over 30 compositions for piano and orchestra.  Among his latest musical accomplishments are, for instance, performances at the Chopin Festival in Vancouver,  Poolse Meesters Festival in Belgium, but also Master Classes and a concert during  the Campos do Jordao Festival in Brazil. He has recorded a number of compositions for phonographic companies in Poland and abroad, among others for: Japanese division of Deutsche Gramophon, RCA, DUX and Żuk Records.

He is also a keen chamber music player performing with the Silesian, Wilanów and Camerata Quartets as well as with Bartłomiej Nizioł, Urszula Kryger, Elżbieta Mrożek-Loska and  Piotr Janosik.

Zbigniew Raubo is dedicated to teaching and besides his responsibilities at the Academy in Katowice he also conducts various courses for piano students and works as a consultant for music schools.

Zbigniew Raubo was a jury member during  the Polish Fryderyk Chopin Piano Competition in Warsaw and International Chopin Competition in Asia or the Yamaha foundation Grant Competition. Among his students there are winners of various musical competitions.