Schedule of the 13rd Competition 2025

13th International Paderewski Piano Competition 2025

Bydgoszcz, Poland, November 9th – 23rd, 2025

April 22nd, 2025 – the final deadline of sending the written applications

April 22nd,, 2025 – the deadline for pianists of send the entrance fee

April 30th, 2025 – the candidates are informed about the acceptance of their application or about the invitation to the preliminary audition

May – June 2025 – the preliminary auditions

June 15th, 2025 – the deadline of sending the recordings of the preliminary repertoire (accepted only in particularly important cases)

July 30th, 2025 –  the announcement of the final list of the candidates, invited to take part in the Competition

September 10th, 2025 – after this day, any changes of the repertoire will not be accepted

The 13th International Paderewski Piano Competition:

November 8th, 2025 – the Competition participants’ arrival to Bydgoszcz

November 9th, 2025 – the Orientation Meeting and the drawing of the  performances order

November 9th, 2025 – the Inaugural Concert

November 10th, 2025 – the beginning of the I stage audition

November 13th, 2025 – the announcement of the I stage results

November 14th, 2025 – the beginning of the II stage audition

November 16th, 2025 – the announcement of the II stage results

November 17th, 2025 – day off – rehearsals with the chamber orchestra (Semi-finalists)

November 18th, 2025 – the beginning of the Semi-final audition

November 19th, 2025 – the announcement of the Semi-final results

November 20h, 2025 – day off – rehearsals with the orchestra (Finalists)

November 21st – 22nd, 2025 – the Final of the Competition

November 22nd, 2025 – the announcement of the Prize winners

November 23rd, 2025 – the Awards Ceremony (17.00)

November 23rd, 2025 – the Prize Winners’ Concert

November 23rd,, 2025 –  presentation of the Additional Prizes

TBA – the Prize Winners’ Concert in the National Philharmonic Hall


November 9th, 2025

3 p.m.  –  Drawing the order of performance

Concert Hall of Feliks Nowowiejski Music Academy
Bydgoszcz, Gdańska Street No. 20

An orientation meeting for the participants as well as the determination of their order of their appearance in the Competition – determined by drawing lots – are scheduled the day before the commencement of the 1st stage – namely on November 9th, 2025 at 3 pm.

The presence of all the competitors is obligatory.

The Competition shall follow the order of appearance determined by drawing lots till the end of the Competition.

Only in some exceptional cases may the Chairman of the Jury express consent to alter the order.


November 8th-9th, 2025

Concert Hall of Feliks Nowowiejski Music Academy
Bydgoszcz, Gdańska Street No. 20

Participants of the 13th International Paderewski Piano Competition can choose one of the instruments by:


November 9th, 2025

Concert Hall of Paderewski Pomeranian Philharmonic
Bydgoszcz, Szwalbe Street No. 6

5 p.m.

Paderewski Pomeranian Symphony Orchestra


10-13 listopada 2025 / November 10th – 13th, 2025

39 participants

25-30 minutes

Concert Hall of Feliks Nowowiejski Music Academy
Bydgoszcz, Gdańska Street No. 20

The announcement of the results of the 1st stage –  November 13th, 2025 ~4 p.m.


YouTube #PaderewskiInternationalPianoCompetition


14-16 listopada 2025 / November 14th – 16th, 2025

20 participants 

40-45 minutes

Concert Hall of Feliks Nowowiejski Music Academy
Bydgoszcz, Gdańska Street No. 20

The announcement of the results of the 2nd stage –  November 16th, 2025 ~5 p.m.


18-19 listopada 2025 / November 18th – 19th, 2025

10 participants

Concert Hall of Paderewski Pomeranian Philharmonic
Bydgoszcz, Szwalbe Street No. 6

The announcement of the results of the Semi-final –  November 19th, 2025 ~9.30 p.m.


21-22 listopada 2025 / November 21st-22nd, 2025

5 participants

Concert Hall of Paderewski Pomeranian Philharmonic
Bydgoszcz, Szwalbe Street No. 6

Announcement of the results of the 13th International Paderewski Piano Competition ~ 10 p.m.


23 listopada 2025 / November 23rd, 2025

Competition Partners

Competition Sponsors

Co-Financing of the Competition

The competition is co-financed by the Minister of Culture and National Heritage from the Fund for the Promotion of Culture – a state special purpose fund, as part of the „Music” program implemented by the National Institute of Music and Dance, and by the City of Bydgoszcz.
Partner of the International Paderewski Piano Competition  – Kujawsko-Pomorskie Region.